Dear Traveler,

July is here and we are officially in the hot summer season. Many European cities are bustling with visitors and as the temperatures soar, we can’t help but think of how we can embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.

In this month’s newsletter, we were inspired to explore the vast topic of Sustainability and to introduce several Greek destinations ideal for guests looking to reconnect with nature in a more meaningful way.
Go ahead and read all about these destinations offering unique experiences, places that take care of their natural environment, and that have initiatives worthy of support. You will be pleasantly surprised and inspired!
In our articles, we often talk about the ancient Greeks and the wisdom that has been passed down from the previous generations. Today many of these creations serve as a glorious backdrop for postcard-perfect summer photos.
Traditional windmills are often found in the most conspicuous and dramatic spots of the island – an instant landmark. No wonder the Greek windmills top the list of Instagram-worthy captures! However, there is a history behind these beautiful landmarks and we invite you to explore the art of harnessing energy in traditional Greek culture.


Are you ready to make a positive impact on the destinations you are planning to visit? Let’s support the earth’s ecosystems together.

Sincerely yours,

Elena Papanicolaou



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