Dear Traveler,

January’s gone but we still have some winter-time to enjoy. On the subject of winter, did you know that Greece is a ski destination too? Around Greece there are excellent ski slopes, but also plenty of additional activities and sites to make for an exciting winter holiday. We introduce you to one of such places — Kalavryta in this month’s blog post.


One of our favorite topics to cover is food — of course! Greece is full of undiscovered recipes and products. In our “Undiscovered” issue we introduce you to the star of the Greek superfoods – the Corinthian raisin which is much more than merely a delicious snack and ingredient.


For those who are seeking to enjoy the glorious Greek sunshine and the stunning beaches — we have another magnificent destination to uncover. Chalkidiki is so diverse in its offerings that you will be spoilt for choice. It’s also a top destination for gastronomy and contemporary culture, with exciting summer festivals. Are you ready to explore this part of Greece?

Καλό μήνα! Hello February — let’s start planning your next experience!

Sincerely yours,

Elena Papanicolaou