Dear Traveler,

Kalo Mina! Welcome to July, a month where summer’s embrace is warmest and the days are filled with endless possibilities.

What makes July special here in Greece?

We absolutely love the long, sun-kissed days and balmy nights, perfect for outdoor celebrations and gatherings. In this month’s newsletter, our focus shifts to the heart of Greek culture, exploring the vibrant and soulful celebrations known as “panygiri,” dedicated to the saints.
In our latest blog post, we invite you to dive into the enchanting world of Greek festivals, where tradition and festivity merge in joyous harmony. Panygiria are more than just celebrations; they are heartfelt expressions of local culture and devotion.

We invite you to experience the lively dances that tell stories of old, the soulful music that carries on through the night, and the communal feasts filled with delectable dishes that bring everyone together. It is truly a time of connection.

Wishing you all a joyous month of July and we look forward to welcoming you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Elena Papanicolaou




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